The script is built with the end goal to set a follow up meeting. Therefore, you want to keep the call as quick as possible. Pique their interest and get their permission to set a follow up meeting.
Speak quickly and confidently. Dictate the pace of the conversation with the tone of your voice and your genuine interest in helping them.
This call is about them, not us. Don’t beat your chest – focus on how you can provide them value.
1. This is Andy from Unified SEM. The reason I am calling is we have helped other clients in your industry (ServPro, Construction Etc.) get ranked higher on Google, and just so you know, this is just an introduction call and I promise I am not calling to sell you something today <insert name>
“who would I speak to about your website?” or “can you tell me who handles your advertising?” If they ask questions you redirect “would it be the owner? When can I catch them in the office?”
If you have the right person but they cut you off immediately just say: Can I just ask what have you done in the past to get found on Google?
(If they ask for your name and number, reply by asking when is a good time to reach them)
- As I started to say, based on our experience with other companies like yours we can significantly increase your web traffic and that means more sales. If PPC then say, we specialize in campaign optimization where we focus on driving the most clicks at the lowest cost.
(If the business depends on phone calls you can say “and that means more phone calls and more sales.”
Before they can respond ask the question:
What have you done in the past to get found on Google? (SEO/PPC or both)
Note: The latest statistics show 63% of internet searchers are not going past the 1st page of Google.
Build rapport and learn more about their business and any history they have with SEO, website design, etc. (Take good notes)
- Not doing SEO – We will generate a report
- Doing SEO – We need Analytics access
- Doing Adwords – Send email requesting guest read only access
- Not doing Adwords – We will setup an account for them
If they are not doing SEO or PPC | If they are doing SEO | If they are doing PPC |
Do you know what some of the keywords that describe your business are? | Are you tracking conversions? (This means, are they looking at who their visitors are, and how they came to their site) |
Who manages the campaigns? |
What local areas do you serve? | Are you receiving a monthly report? | Have you seen your ROI going up over time? |
Do where you are listed on Google right now? | What keywords are you targeting? | Have you been A/B testing ad copy? |
How are customers finding you right now? | If you could improve one area of the campaign, what would it be? | If you could improve one area of your campaigns, what would it be? |
Are you the person that can make decisions for you company about making changes to your internet marketing? | Many of my customers have been in your situation, what you are doing is a great source of business, however many of our clients found our SEO campaigns increased business and lowered their costs. | How do you feel about the value your current provider is offering you? |
- What we do is different. We will do a free SEO or PPC analysis of your website and provide a free report. It is only after we have done an analysis that we can accurately tell you what is possible.
We will also show you exactly where you rank among your competitors, something every owner likes to know.
Would you like me to send you a free report?
If Yes, go to #4
If No:
Have you ever seen an analytic report on your website?
(If yes then ask what they learned from it. Tell them how we like to explain the information, not just deliver a report)
4. It takes 24-48 hours to generate the report and all you need to do is grant guest access to your account. (This means we can only look but not make any changes)
Are you the person who would be able to do that?
I will send you an email with the instructions so it is super simple.
What is your email address?
Lastly, let’s set up a date and time for a call back to discuss our findings from the report which you will have in the next 1-2 days.
– Ask for date and Time
– Ask if there anyone else that would be important to have on the call?
Sample rebuttals and FAQs
Your calls will never go as smoothly as planned above. People will ask questions and try and force you off script. The following questions are the most common you will receive. The end goal is to answer the question intelligently and politely ask them the question at the end of each. We want them to say “yes” so we can then ask again to set up an appointment to go over the report.
One of the things we pride ourselves on is that we believe it is important to show the value of what we do. Unlike other companies, we are not a black box solution. We provide very detailed reports created by one of our experts that shows both what a problem is and precisely what the solution is. This requires a person, not a piece of software. We also think it is important that we explain what we are doing so you get an education in the process. This alone sets us apart from nearly everyone else.
Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the “natural” or un-paid organic search results. Other search engine marketing include pay-per-click and remarketing. In general, the higher on the search engine results page, and the more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users. 70% of all users click on the first page of Google. Is getting a higher placement on Google something you would like to do for your business?
If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
Pay-per-click marketing is where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. You can generally pay more to be shown higher on the page or more frequently.
It’s great that you are doing SEO however research shows that most people who are really ready to buy are more likely to click paid results than organic results, even if they’ve found your site organically while they were in the research phase. Additionally there are tons of studies show that doing PPC adds incremental traffic on top of your SEO.
If and only if they are pressing you for a price: As a ballpark, our minimum is $499 down and $499 per month. (For PPC we just have a flat fee unless the monthly spend is over $5,000)
Our fees are dependent on several different factors: the size of the town or city you are in, and the current competition on Google right now. I'm sure you can see that an accountant in a small town in Idaho will be easier to rank for than a Lawyer in NYC. So by looking at your site and your competition report we will be able to give you a price appropriate for your business. Once we generate the free website analysis we can tell you precisely what the cost will be. Would you like me to send the Free Analysis of your website? If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
(We have some clients that pay thousands of dollars a month and they choose to do so because it is profitable.)
In most cases yes however unlike many companies we don’t promise we can do that in 30 - 60 days unless you are doing PPC. Anyone who says they can use SEO and get to to page 1 quickly is doing blackhat or something illegal in the eyes of Google. In addition, unlike others we don’t work on contracts. We work month-to-month so if we aren’t getting you results, you no longer have to pay us. Would you like me to send the Free Analysis of your website? If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
Part of our analysis is to see where it makes sense to target. Facebook makes sense for some customers but not for others.
We will cover this in more detail once we have generated the report. Would you like me to send the Free Analysis of your website? If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
We use only industry accepted methods and are committed Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. We do not endorse blackhat methods, nor do we believe in the results they produce. Would you like me to send the Free Analysis of your website? If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
Our website gives actual examples of companies that we have done case studies in the past. These numbers indicate that we have increased the number of phone calls to businesses by 100% in some cases, and increased the number of website inquiries in many different scenarios. Is increasing inbound phone calls something you would be interested in hearing more about?
If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
I’m looking at Google search results right now and I don’t see your website on the first page. The bottom line is if you aren’t ranked on the first page, the SEO isn’t working. 75% of all clicks in search engines take place on first page listings – if you aren’t ranked there you are wasting money. Is ranking on the first page something you’re interested in?
If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
This is a technical question, and we normally let the technicians answer this, however: We use white hat methods such as: website backlinking, content marketing, and social media to improve the quality of your website.
Actually this is easiest to answer when one of our experts goes over your Free website Analysis report. Would you like to me to generate that report for you?
If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
We are aware that other companies are offering SEO packages for $X per month. It is important to realize what you are getting when you sign up for a company like this. These companies typically just submit your URL to Google, Yahoo and Bing, and use a cookie cutter system for each website. In other words there is no expert actually looking at your website. That is not enough effort to get your website placed on the top of Google and stay there. Is getting a higher placement on Google something you would like to do for your business?
If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
We respect the do-it yourself attitude, and our roots are planted in the entrepreneurial spirit. SEO is not magic, and it can be done at home, however most individuals do not have the expensive software and the man hours that it takes to get a website listed high on Google. Unfortunately what happens most of the time is someone starts, they do what they think is best on a page or two and then go back to their normal life. Just like anything else in life, to be rank well on Google requires someone giving it continual attention.
Would you like to me to generate the free report I mentioned?
If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
That is a great question <insert name> I can tell you that any SEO company that responds with, "We'll be able to get your business to rank within one to two months" is full of it. I apologize for being so blunt. It is these types of SEO companies that give a bad name to the entire industry. No reputable SEO company would make such a claim. We will have a better idea based on the analytic report but honest companies don’t make outlandish claims. Would you like to me to generate the free report I mentioned?
If they answer “yes”, then go to #4
If your prospect says PPC hasn’t converted for them in the past, one of a few things could be going on:
- We find that often conversion tracking is not setup properly – if it’s a business that gets a lot of calls ask if they have call tracking setup so that calls are properly attributed back to the ads that drove them.
- Another reason you PPC may not have worked is due to Landing page problems – maybe most ads link back to the home page, so leads get lost, or the landing page isn’t focused. This can be solved with either landing page optimization OR call-only campaigns that bypass the landing page altogether.
- Most companies doing well on PPC use remarketing. Remarketing campaigns are used to show ads to people who have visited your website or used your app. These campaigns provide you with extra settings and reports specifically for reaching previous visitors and users.
Most of the time this is the ad is in to low of a position ot the ad is not written in a way that is attractive to the customer. This is a solvable problem with the testing we do.
Pay attention to everything about how your prospect answers the phone including:
- How they state their name, i.e.
- “Wes Schaeffer here.”
- “Hi, this is Wes.”
- “It’s a great day at The Sales Whisperer®, you got Wes here. How can I help?”
- “This is Wes.”
- “Schaeffer.”
- “Hello.”
- “This is Wes. How can I help you?”
- Background sounds
- Totally quiet
- In a car
- On a speaker phone
- At the airport
- At a ballgame
- In the restroom (it happens more than I wish!)
- Lots of office chatter in the background
- Kids in the background
- Tonality, speed, volume, accent, vocabulary
Everything above gives you a lot of insight in under three seconds. But you must first be listening for it and second, you must know how to adjust your delivery to best match their preferred communication style.