Creating a Nested (Child) Nav
- Go to Navigation >> Navigation Home
- Use the ‘+‘ buttons to expand the section you would like to nest your child Nav within
- Click the Insert Navigation button
- Navigation Parent should default to the one you chose. This can be changed at a later time (Moving a Nav)
- Click the Insert Navigation button at the top of the page
- Fill in the Navigation Name field
- Be sure you have the correct site filled in, if applicable
- Navigation Order defaults to 1 but may be used to put your Navs in a specific order
- Navigation URL Path
- Mandatory
- Must be alpha-numeric with only hyphens &/or underscores separating words
- Must be between one set of slashes
- Example: /1000-piece-holiday/
- Other fields are optional
You have created a Child Nav
Next Steps
- Notice the tabs after Details: Images | Attributes | Reminders
- Images:
- This is the image that will show up on the front end
- Be sure to follow alpha-numeric (& no foreign characters, excepting hyphen & underscore, those are ok) naming standards
- If you update the image, be sure to rename your image (I suggest adding -1 or -2 to the end) because images are cached 30 days
- Use an RGB image
- Size should be 250px
- Attributes If applicable, you will use insert and manage