
Advanced Search Options

0 views October 30, 2018 eburkart 0

Advanced Search Options

There are advanced features that will expand when you click the purple Advanced Search Options bar.  Advanced searching will enable you to see data, as well as manage it in bulk.  Perhaps I want to put all 1000 piece puzzles made by SunsOut on sale next week for 4 days.


Select View

This is one of the keys for managing a specific set of parameters.  Perhaps you want to put a special group of items on sale. You may also combine with other filters on this page to pull reports.  For instance, you can find out if data specific to a Manufacturer is missing, or show 2000 piece puzzle prices.

Navigation Filter

Further refine your search by navigation.  Piece count, artist, brand, theme, etc.

Product Type

Products may be organized by types such as General, Informational, Promo, Adjustment, etc.  Active checkbox and Order

You may click on the details link in the Product Type list when All Sites are selected.  


Product Status

Refine the results by selecting a specific status.  For instance, I’m selecting New Items because I want to be able to tell customers how many New Products we stock from SunsOut.

Product Vendor

Select the vendor from the drop-down.  Again, the order in which these are viewed in the drop-down is flexible.  


Product Date Range

You may use the Start and End dates to search for items that were inputted/uploaded during that date range.  I recently used the Date Range along with a Vendor filter to return products I uploaded during this month.  This is a good troubleshooting tool.  If a there was a problem with the product upload, seek out the insert date and now you may filter by all products uploaded in that batch.


Order ID

This is a way to view all products that were/are on a specific Customer or Vendor Order.  See from the example that I entered my order ID & filtered for a list of products.  This is useful in that you can use any of the product filters to view and modify products on this order.   


Product Class

Categories of products sold by website.