PW Product Style Guide
All products need these attributes: theme, dimension, age, piece count, artist, puzzle type.
Piece Size & Count – For Puzzles Only
- Large pieces
- Should be attributed with “Large Piece”
- It is safe to assume that 300 piece puzzles should be attributed with “Large Piece”. However there are a couple exceptions, Pomegranate for instance
- If there is more than one puzzle:
- Use Multi-pack if there is a variety
- Varies
- Piece Count is for Puzzles only, loader rules put anything with a piece count into puzzle catalogs
The Product Name (in proper case) is for the name alone; all other information should be in the product attribute table or long description.
Please be concise. One attribute should be enough. At most 2. For instance if it is a Harry Potter puzzle, choose the Harry Potter theme. If you want to add a second theme you could add “movies”. Please don’t use more than 3 attributes or you will create redundancy on the front end.
Use images from vendors/manufacturers unless it is impossible. If you must google for an image be sure it is without watermarks or links to other websites. Images are the most time consuming of all product work, so in cases when an image in not immediately available, use the attribute “Issue: Missing Data”. If the image is still not available when received, take a photo with your phone (or ask Ann if in Kirkwood) & upload that. Be sure to run reports regularly in order to get images & remove the Issue attributes.
- 1500px if possible
- Naming Standards
- Use the UPC, when possible as the image name
- If using more than one image, ‘-0.jpg’, ‘-1.jpg’, ‘-2.jpg’, etc
- If a box image, ‘-B.jpg’
- If a pieces out image, ‘-O.jpg’
- If any change is made to an image, a new name must be used
- Typically I change to ‘-0.jpg’ or ‘-00.jpg’
- All image names need to be unique
- Use the UPC, when possible as the image name
If a new Attribute Type is created, it should be on the list below. If an attribute is deleted at the attribute level, before deletion PM should see if it is linked to any loader rules. If so, those must be deleted or changed. If an attribute is deleted at the product level, but remains in the system, that attribute will still need to be removed from the catalog.
Links: If you want to see a hyperlink for your attribute on the front end in the attribute table, make certain the Product Attribute Link is filled out in the Product Attribute Details page.
- Puzzles:
- Age
- Piece Count
- Puzzle Type
- Puzzle Category (there must be only 1)
- Dimensions
- Theme (try to keep this to 3 or less, highlight what is most prominent on the page)
- Artist
- Collection attribute was created specifically for Lafayette. Decide if you want to use/keep.
- Games
- Recommended Age
- Minimum Players
- Maximum Players
- Game Type
- Toys
- Toy Type
- Age
- Brainteasers
- Brainteaser Type
- Level of Difficulty
- Accessories
- Accessory Type
- Novelties
- Novelty Type
Product Identification
- Product ID, aka PID: Auto-generated
- Product Item Number: the system uses Product Item Number + Product Name to create a unique URL. Therefore, it is a good practice to use this field. There will be cases you’d like to make this field a little different than the Manufacturer Number. Such as assortment suffixes. “6054-02”
- Product Manufacturer Item Number: This field is shown on the front end and should be exactly what is seen on the box. (Ceaco, we use -1, -2, etc because they are not standardized. Dowdle and Rav drop preceeding 0’s. Whatever the PM decides to do, it needs to be standardized. Otherwise, running find/replace/queries on the data will be fruitless)
- Product UPC Number: Use the UPC code from the box or provided by vendor/manufacturer
- Amazon SKU are not handled by the PM at this time, ok to leave blank
Product Dimensions & Weight
Currently handled by the receiving department. If the vendor sends this information, go ahead and upload it but be certain the Weight Verified flag is set to NO or ‘0’
MOQ should be supplied by the vendor, but if that is not the case, please update that info.
- Product List Price: Not used for PW
- Product Unit Price: Ensure every product has a unit price. This is auto-generated, unless there is an issue, in which case the system will show the price as $0. You must log a ticket if you find anything at $0.
- Product Sale Price: Typically Marketing does this. You may use it in conjunction with Sale Effective & Expirations dates. If you want to reduce the price of an item forever, simply use ‘12/31/9999’ in the expiration field.
- Product Unit Cost: It is important to know your vendors here. Some remove the discount when they send you the database. Others, you will have to factor that yourself. Look at the company page to find the current discount.
Google Product Category
- Can be found here:
- Toys & Games > Puzzles > Jigsaw Puzzles
- Toys & Games > Games > Board Games
Age – Used Only with Puzzles
- The loader rules are designed to put all things with Attribute: Age into puzzle catalogs
Minimum Order Quantity
The system will use this when making suggestions for ordering. If there is a minimum, the buyer needs this field to reflect that number.
Important notes
- If you delete an attribute, the associated catalog must be deleted.
- If you apply attributes, loader rules must be run or the changes won’t count
- Duplicate URLs will create problems. Be certain all URL are unique